
“Frozen” quietly revolutionized the Disney princess narrative. When it premiered in 2013, it was an instant hit, and its sequel made a staggering $1.4 billion at the box office last year (Box Office Mojo). Given their immense popularity, it’s no surprise that Disney is considering a third and even a fourth “Frozen” movie. These films have become some of Disney’s most iconic and successful projects. “Frozen” was groundbreaking for Disney, featuring two princesses focused on their sisterly bond rather than romantic interests for the first time.

“Frozen” is a prime example of how Disney has evolved its classic princess formula, and its success shows that this change was long overdue. The film was cleverly crafted to break another rule that many viewers might not even notice. While the storylines of Disney princess movies tend to follow a familiar pattern, This animated movie stands out by featuring a song that pushes the boundaries of traditional Disney narratives.

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